Discover and Experience

the Secrets to Deeper Connection

Does it ever feel like the connection with your significant
other has faded? Do you wonder what it would be like to recapture that?
Maybe you and your partner are ready to learn new ways to see and appreciate
each other and reignite your relationship. 

This workshop is designed to help you discover why our relationships wither, and how your beliefs and expectations may be limiting your ability to share happiness in your relationship. You will learn what love really means and how critically important meaningful communication is with your partner. Making shared agreements and commitments will be the cornerstone of this couple’s workshop.

Join us on September 6 & 7, 2024 for a captivating couples experience where you’ll unlock the secrets of profound connection, and learn how to create a bond that lasts a lifetime.


+ A workshop for couples wanting to learn how to build (or rebuild) a loving relationship, consisting of teachings and experiential learning
+ All workshop content and materials
+ Friday night snacks, Saturday Continental Breakfast, Lunch and an afternoon snack

$497 per couple
Registration deadline: August 30, 2024 or until spaces are filled

Friday, September 6th from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday, September 7th from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Held in the Chalet at Bertram Chain of Lakes Parks
Monticello, MN

Meet your facilitators, Diego and Monica

Diego Castro is a professional in cultural studies with a strong interest in personal growth and self-discovery. He has dedicated his career to understanding the intricate connections between culture, psychology, and spirituality. As a facilitator of self-knowledge workshops and transpersonal psychology processes, Diego guides individuals on a transformative journey of inner exploration. He believes in the power of self-awareness and provides participants with the necessary tools to understand themselves. Diego's work focuses on fostering personal growth, healing, and spiritual development.

Monica Mora, on the other hand, is a surgeon who has dedicated her career to providing surgical care and improving the health of her patients, motivated by her desire to help individuals achieve optimal wellness, Monica pursued additional studies in health coaching and is currently undergoing certification in Functional Medicine. Monica aims to guide individuals towards a harmonious and balanced life. By integrating the power of self-knowledge, health coaching, and Functional Medicine, she strives to help her patients achieve positive and lasting results in their health and overall quality of life.

Diego and Monica's relationship is a testament to the positive and harmonious results that can be achieved. They have applied the tools and principles they share with others in their own relationship, cultivating a strong bond filled with love and harmony. As a couple, they believe in the transformative power of their teachings and are dedicated to helping others experience similar positive outcomes in their lives. Together, they provide guidance, support,
and practical tools to individuals seeking personal growth, emotional well-being,
and a loving, harmonious existence.

True satisfaction is that which originates from sharing the satisfaction of the one you love.